Why Spiritual Resilience as the hub of the Resilience Wheel?
Revelation Song (Phillips Craig & Dean) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3LK3wIHnVE (Apocalipsis - Revelation in Greek "lifting of the veil")
He Will Carry Me (Mark Schultz) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI5-ILam3ac
Jesus, Take the Wheel (Carrie Underwood) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lydBPm2KRaU
The world breaks all of us; some become stronger in the broken places.  Ernest Hemingway
Precious is the assurance that He changes not! The wheel of providence revolves, but its axle is eternal love. (Charles H. Spurgeon  Morning & Evening)
I am the Lord. I change not. (Malachi 3:6)
There is a point of rest
At the great center of the cyclone's force,
A silence at its secret source;
A little child might slumber undisturbed,
Without the ruffle of one fair curl,
In that strange, central calm, amid the mighty whirl.
Make it your business to learn to be peaceful and safe in God through every situation.
(Charles Cowman  Streams in the Desert)
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Hymn)
In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye.
(Deuteronomy 32:9-11)

  • In Christian contexts, the ultimate expression of spiritual resilience can be attributed to Jesus “bouncing back” from the dead—i.e., Jesus’ resurrection following his crucifixion.  The Christian faith embraces the idea that God’s love for us was so great that He allowed His son to die on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.  Through His ultimate act of sacrificial and unconditional love called agape in Greek, those who chose to accept the gift of eternal life are adopted as one of God’s children. As such, anyone can be resurrected from spiritual death and given a new life (i.e., a spiritual rebirth) free from the bondage of sin. The assurance of our salvation provides the justification and moral impetus for us to abide by God’s greatest commandment, which is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Matthew 22:37).  Those who are saved by God’s grace are inspired to return the same agape love to God and neighbor through good works.  As made clear in the bible (Ephesians 2:8-10), “it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
  • In non-Christian contexts, emphasis on Spiritual Capital can be attributable to the second greatest commandment, which is to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). St. Francis once said, “Preach always, if necessary use words.” Whether in Christian or non-Christian contexts, the best way we can demonstrate our faith in action is through our love for neighbor.  This second greatest commandment or expression of Spiritual Resilience flows from the perspective of the "Golden Rule" or to "love your neighbor as you love yourself".  Whether it is “love your neighbor as yourself” or "do no harm"—both are religious and ethical principles accepted universally by the international humanitarian community and major religions. The following religions subscribe to the Golden Rule: Buddhism, Baha'i Faith, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism and Taoism.
  • All of the spokes help the community to determine how it can achieve community resilience.  But the hub of the wheel not only helps us to determine how we can achieve community resilience, but more importantly it says why we can and should achieve it.  
  • All other things remaining equal, it is better to know the why vs. how in life. A purpose-driven community can go on in the face of adversity as long as it knows the why, even if it does not always have all the answers for the how.  This principle applies to both of the greatest commandments.
  • Whether we accept the message of salvation or subscribe to at least one of these religious principles, either or both provides children and their communities with life-transforming protective factors against adverse events.  The premise for this is that love is the most powerful force in the universe for overcoming shocks, stressors and disasters.
  • Finally, in disaster scenarios, or situations of extreme distress, sometimes the only thing that we can do as humanitarian workers is to help children, adolecents, youth, adults and the elderly prepare to die in the event that they are terminally injured or ill.  Mother Teresa In 1952 established a home for the dying poor - the Nirmal Hriday (or "Pure Heart") Home for Dying Destitutes. There, homeless people - uncared for and unacceptable at other institutions - were washed, fed and allowed to die with dignity.
  • Viktor Frankl (a WWII concentration camp holocaust survivor ) in his book Man’s Search for Meaning explains how a human can survive in the face of extreme adversity if s/he has a reason (i.e., “why”) to continue struggling to live.  Frankl proclaimed that "The salvation of man is through love and in love.

World Vision International is committed in principle and practice to abide by the Humanitarian Code of Conduct. The following relate to spirituality in a humanitarian context:

  • The Humanitarian imperative comes first
  • Aid is given regardless of the race, creed or nationality of the recipients and without adverse distinction of any kind. Aid priorities are calculated on the basis of need alone
  • Aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint
  • We shall respect culture and custom

For a detailed description of the Humanitarian Code of Ethics, click on the below link:
Spiritual Resilience is the hub of the wheel (or the "glue") that holds all of the community assets and disaster risk reduction priority areas of action together—in line and consistent with World Vision’s Vision, Mission and Core Values.

World Vision's Vision, Mission and Core Values

"Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness; Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so"

World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.

World Vision´s partnership shares a common idea based in six core values. These values are the fundamental principles that lead and determine what the organization does.

We are Christian
we seek to follow Jesus - in his identification with the poor and the oppressed, and in his special concern for children;

We are committed to the poor
we serve the neediest people and promote the transformation of their wellbeing.

We value people
we regard all people as created and loved by God.

We are stewards
we are open and factual in our dealings with donors, communities, governments and the public at large.

We are partners
we maintain a cooperative stance and a spirit of openness towards other humanitarian organizations.

We are responsive
before deep seated and often complex economic and social deprivation calls for sustainable, long-term development.


Girls and Boys

Ages 9-11

Request module


Ages 12 to 17

Request module


Ages 18 to 21

Request module

Women and Men

Age 22+

Request module

Local Government

Local government and community representatives

Request module

National Level

National level staff of NGOs and INGOs

Request module

Resilience in Situations of Chronic Violence

For adolescents, youth and adults, community or NGO leaders

Request module

Crosscutting Themes Module

Gender, Child Protection, Disabilities, HIV/AIDS/Health and Environment

Request module

Field Guide

Pocket guide that brings together key elements of all of the modules

Request module

Formal Education & DRR

Guidelines to address DRR issues in the context of formal education

Request module

Christian Commitment and Volunteerism

Christian Commitment and Volunteerism

Request module